Met Group: Housing as Well-Being

Earlier this year, Think Big hosted a conversation with Jennifer Messenger from the Metropolitan Group, where she shared insights on the power and potential of Well-Being Narratives. We’re thrilled to continue the discussion with this article by Jennifer and her colleague Max Friedenwald-Fishman, which explores how framing economic conversations through the lens of well-being can […]

October Think Big Coffee Chat

Think Big Community Coffee Chat: Join us on May 16th!

Exploring the Power and Potential of Well-Being Narratives May 16, 2024 10-11am PST I 1-2pm EST Register Today What if shared narratives about progress and what matters most were about “well-being of all people” instead of “economic growth and consumption?” How would that shape our attitudes and actions — from the individual to community to […]

Think Big Conversation: Shifting the Story of “Hard Work”

On February 27th, the Narrative Learning Community met to explore the fraught concept of hard work in the American narrative and to discuss promising paths forward. We shared lessons learned from our deep research across the South and Southern Midwest through the Topos/EARN-led Southern Mindshift Project and heard from partner advocates and organizers about their on-the-ground experiences. Check out […]

Think Big Community Coffee Chat: Join us on 12/14!

An informal conversation on BELONGING in and to America Thursday, December 14th, 2023 I 12-1pm EST I 9-10am PST Register Today At our convening last month we shared insights from our new research on the role of narrative incrafting a story of belonging in and to America—a future story untethered from white supremacy. We hope by […]

Reparations Narrative Lab: Research and Tools

The Reparations Narrative Lab  – launched by Liberation Ventures – focuses on narrative and culture change to build public support for reparations. Take a look at the extensive research and tools created during the first iteration of the Narrative Lab — including narrative briefs, webinars, and framing worksheets.   Access the research and tools

October Learning Community Meeting: Reimagining American Identity

New Research Shines Light on the Story of Who We Are and Can Be October 31st, 2023 I 12-1pm EDT I 9-10am PDT Imagine a future in which American identity is untethered from white supremacy — neither white supremacist nor centered around resisting white supremacy. Without forgetting the lessons of our past, this American identity […]

FrameWorks: The Terrain of Spatial Justice

Racism is built into places. It shapes who can live where, how resources are distributed, who gets a say over what happens in places, and more. Places in the United States reflect, perpetuate, and amplify the racism that structures US society. Creating a racially just society requires creating a spatially just society—a society that advances […]

Think Big: Abundance in Narrative

We often define abundance as a contrast. Abundance is NOT scarcity, NOT austerity, NOT competition for resources. So, then, what IS abundance? What are some of the core elements behind the term and the idea in narrative? What do these elements look like in practice? What are some of the inherent tensions? What do we […]

August Learning Community Meeting on ABUNDANCE Framing

From Scarcity to Abundance:  A Think Big Narrative Learning Community Conversation Wednesday, August 16th I 4-5 pm EST, 1-2pm PST   Save the date for our next Learning Community meeting on August 16th at 4pm EST! Together with Amanda Cooper, Senior Partner at Lightbox Collaborative, Laura Hughes, Director of Narrative Strategies at PolicyLink, and Elaine […]

If the federal government can’t pay its bills, then millions of Americans can’t pay theirs

The debt default stalemate is careening toward next week’s hard deadline.  And while there has been solid coverage of the catastrophic consequences of the nation defaulting on its obligations, it’s worth highlighting the voices that are directly connecting the dots between communities’ wellbeing and the economy. For instance, Center for American Progress’ Jean Ross writes: […]

Topos: Acting On Our Values is Good Economics

Progressive economic policies that focus on people’s wellbeing can hit a brick wall (or at least a sturdy parapet) constructed by the current cultural common sense – the pervasive, default perspectives that shape our thinking in deep, often unconscious ways – about the economy.  The dominant model of the economy in this country (which successfully […]

March Meeting: The Narrative Power of a People-First Economy

  The Narrative Power of a People-First Economy March 30th, 2023   Recording coming soon!   We the people, ALL the people, drive and shape the economy. The dominant economic narrative in America continues to center business – what businesses need to thrive, even if that means people must sacrifice. We’re switching the focus to […]

The Florida Timeline

Check out the Florida Timeline, a resource mapping state historical policy decisions in Tax Policy and Criminal (In)justice. From Florida’s earliest days, policymakers designed policies that targeted Floridians with the least legal and economic power – often Black Floridians. The timeline allows us to learn about and reckon with our past as we look to […]

Join us for a conversation with Angela Peoples and Connie Razza

  Thursday, December 15th I 3-4:15pm EST REGISTER TODAY!   Imagine a future in which American identity is untethered from white supremacy — neither white supremacist nor centered around resisting white supremacy. Without forgetting the lessons of our past, this American identity would create space for a fundamental reconstitution of the story of America to […]

October Meeting: Democracy and the Will of the People

  Join us for our next Narrative Learning Community Meeting: Democracy and the Will of the People October 27, 2022  *  3-4:15pm ET | 12-1:15pm PT   Register Today!   With the midterms upon us, the stakes are undeniably high. This past year, state legislative sessions have been witness to a slew of election interference […]

Heather McGhee: The Sum of Us Podcast

Heather McGhee has launched a podcast on the heels of her incredible book: The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. Taking a road trip across Covid-era America, McGhee explores stories of “solidarity and hope in a time of great division and peril for our democracy.” Listen to the […]