Think Big Community Coffee Chat: Join us on May 16th!

Exploring the Power and Potential of Well-Being Narratives

May 16, 2024 10-11am PST I 1-2pm EST

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What if shared narratives about progress and what matters most were about “well-being of all people” instead of “economic growth and consumption?” How would that shape our attitudes and actions — from the individual to community to national scales?

Join us for a community conversation about the power of well-being narratives to shape expectations and drive change. 

Well-being frameworks – approaches that set individual and community well-being as the definition of progress –  are gaining traction (albeit slowly) in other countries. What can we learn from these efforts and from the research and message testing around advancing well-being narratives? How could aligning with these narratives advance many of our priority issues?

Join us on May 16th for a community conversation with Jennifer Messenger, Co-Author of the Metropolitan Group/RAND report, created in collaboration with grassroots organizations: Advancing a Well-Being Narrative.

You’re welcome to simply bring your curiosity, but you can also come prepared by checking out the report. Bring your coffee or tea and join the conversation on May 16th!