Opportunity Agenda: Messaging on the Supreme Court & The Judiciary

This year, it looks like many of us will need to communicate about the role of the Supreme Court. How can we do that in ways that build to a more constructive long-term understanding of the what the role of the court SHOULD be….the Opportunity Agenda has a helpful guide. Access the Messaging Memo

Think Big Report: Belonging In and To America

How do we get to a future America for all of us and for everyone, a nation in which belonging is co-created and power is authentically shared? Over the last year, Topos Partnership has worked in collaboration with the Bridge Project to conduct original research – including in-depth ethnographic interviews – building on the diagnosis of our fractured American […]

FrameWorks: The Terrain of Spatial Justice

Racism is built into places. It shapes who can live where, how resources are distributed, who gets a say over what happens in places, and more. Places in the United States reflect, perpetuate, and amplify the racism that structures US society. Creating a racially just society requires creating a spatially just society—a society that advances […]

Tax Justice Wins in Washington State: A Narrative Perspective

#Taxday2023 was a day to celebrate hard fought victories for tax justice in Washington State. Last month, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the state’s capital gains excise tax, passed in the legislature in 2021. An added plus –  Washington’s Working Families Tax Credit was finally made available to all state tax filers this year. […]

Bridge Project: Reframing the Prevailing American Narrative for 2052

“Imagine a future in which American identity is untethered from white supremacy — neither white supremacist nor centered around resisting white supremacy.” The Bridge Project – a collaborative narrative research project –  is working to craft a story that aligns with who want to be in three decades time and is strategizing by building backward […]

Winning Jobs Narrative Project: A Working People-Centered Narrative for Jobs, Work, and the Economy

Based on an expansive research agenda, the Winning Jobs Narrative team has developed a narrative architecture that progressive advocates and leaders can draw from to frame a broad range of issues.  Download the project materials including the research scan, narrative toolkit, and briefing presentation slide deck. Winning Jobs Narrative Project

Topos: Beyond Winning – Change the Culture

When is a “win” not a win? When it makes future wins harder. Sometimes progressive policy campaigns can feel like riding a roller coaster. We win a victory at the ballot box only to see it undermined by a state legislature. We successfully sign a major policy into law, and yet a key element was […]