Think Big Community Coffee Chat: Join us on 12/14!

An informal conversation on BELONGING in and to America

Thursday, December 14th, 2023 I 12-1pm EST I 9-10am PST

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At our convening last month we shared insights from our new research on the role of narrative incrafting a story of belonging in and to America—a future story untethered from white supremacy. We hope by now you’ve had a chance to check out the report and watch the meeting highlights (password: ThinkBig).

Our final Think Big narrative learning community gathering of 2023 will be a chance to talk about this research—to ask questions of researchers AND to think together about what we learned and where this work should go from here.

So, bring your coffee, tea or egg nog and join us for a chat with Angela Peoples, Connie Razza and researchers from the Topos Partnership. THIS IS NOT A WEBINAR, it’s a conversation.

Join us on December 14th at 12pm EST to ask questions and share your ideas.

You’re welcome to simply bring your curiosity, but you can come prepared by checking out the report, watching excerpts from last month’s webinar (Password: ThinkBig) and reading the original work from The Bridge Project that sparked Think Big’s interest in this endeavor. Join us!