Highlights from the Field Archive
An archive of highlights from the field:
State campaigns/Microsites
- Recover Washington: Washington Recovery Agenda Makes the connections between taxes and public goods and points to the opportunity to change the current state’s upside-down tax code.
- People’s Budget for New Jersey Focuses on a pro-revenue message by highlighting what the state’s communities need to become vibrant and thriving.
- Better Together MN: We Make Minnesota Incorporates racial equity messaging from the Race/Class Narrative and pro-revenue messaging to demonstrate how we can come together to build the communities we all need.
- All In for Ohio: The People’s Budget. Focuses on creating a People’s Budget that works for all and sets 7 demands to concretely state how public investment can build the thriving communities the state deserves.
Campaign Videos:
- Invest in Washington Now’s explanatory video This video reinforces how money flowing through the community creates a strong economy, uses a simple metaphor to explain what needs to be fixed, “the upside-down tax code,” and discusses concretely what the investment in schools and business will bring about – more jobs and more businesses.
- We are Voters, We Make Minnesota (2021) We Make Minnesota’s campaign incorporates racial equity messaging from the Race/Class Narrative and pro-revenue messaging to demonstrate how we can come together to build the communities we all need.
- All In For Ohio: The People’s Budget (2021). Both aspirational and explanatory in their pro-revenue messaging, with a compelling case for why different choices need to be made to build up our communities.
- Fiscal policy watchdog Alexandra Sirota of the North Carolina Budget & Tax Center – Listen to Alexandra emphasize key talking points about investing in bold public initiatives, creating a strong economy and thriving communities, and fixing the upside down tax code.
- The Center for Popular Democracy: A Recovery for All: the Case for Robust Public Investment in Connecticut (6/3/21) – Makes the case against austerity. Page 4 highlights how public investment leads to economic growth through an easy to understand diagram.
Press Releases
- Invest in Washington Now: Tax on ultra-rich could soon fund early learning for kids (press release). How taxing the wealthy will kick-start the economy, the importance of keeping money flowing into the economy, and addressing the structural injustice in the tax code with the simple to understand “upside-down tax code” metaphor.
Earned Media – Op-Eds
- Democrats Could Learn a Lot From What Happened In Virginia Op-Ed by Tram Nguyen, Co-Executive Director of New Virginia Majority (New York Times, 11/6/19)
- Highlights how ongoing organizing year after year and deep listening canvassing leads to civic empowerment and was key to changing the landscape of Virginia politics.
- Please tax my capital-gains profit: Washington’s crisis demands it – (Seattle Times, March 2021) Nick Hanuaer Highlights the metaphor of an upside-down tax code and explains in simple terms how money flows through an economy.
- Can Mississippi make a hard turn toward growth, prosperity? – This op-ed is anchored in the idea that people are leaving for the quality of life the legislature is refusing to create.
- We Must Change The Way We Measure Economic Health – A great op-ed that helps to focus on how our primary mission should be on improving the lives of our most marginalized.