How can advocates and communicators empower and amplify local voices to drive cultural shifts that last?

In 2024, two state-level Think Big partners launched initiatives to lift up community voices in ways that embed big ideas into communication practices and local leadership development. We co-created two case studies for all of us to share resources, learn together, and continue the conversation.

Developing Emerging Opinion Leaders in Maine:

The context: A key challenge to advancing a progressive worldview is the lack of representation of everyday people, particularly those impacted by racial, economic, and gender injustices, as recognized opinion leaders. The Maine People’s Resource Center (MPRC), in partnership with the Maine Beacon—a news website and podcast—has been working to address this gap by elevating underrepresented voices and cultivating opinion leadership among everyday Mainers. Over the past year, with support from Think Big, MPRC and the Beacon organized message strategy training sessions for emerging leaders to empower communities, amplify grassroots perspectives, and lay the groundwork for lasting paradigm shifts.

The case study: Take a look at the nuts and bolts of the training program and access innovative tools (like the Worldview Quiz!).  Hear from organizers about lessons learned, and read the powerful stories of those most affected by inequality when they lead the conversation.

Empowering Voices for Change in Alabama:

The context: For too long, the narrative in Alabama has disempowered everyday people, but Think Big Alabama – a 2024 advocacy and narrative training program – aimed to change that. This four-part program, a collaboration between Alabama Arise and Alabama Values, equipped community members with the tools to drive change by addressing critical issues that matter most to them –  like poverty, healthcare, and transportation. Combining Alabama Arise’s decades of policy expertise with Alabama Values’ expertise in narrative strategy, the program empowered participants to craft compelling stories that inspire action and foster belief in a better, achievable Alabama.

The case study: Explore the full agenda of this innovative training program and review the recruitment materials. Download impactful tools and resources, including the Narratives of Change guide. Hear directly from participants as they share their inspiring visions for a better Alabama. 

Get a glimpse into Think Big Alabama via this short, powerful recap video.